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It is a place of serenity and spectacular views. An ideal rural getaway.
The Buffalo River valley is an area of "varying landscape and remarkable beauty" and this is apparent in the Homestead site. It lies at the western edge of Mount Buffalo and looks directly onto Buffalo Sugarloaf and the Nug Nug hills. It is accessed from Osborne's Bridge, where the river roars out through a narrow ravine over granite boulders onto the wider agriculturally productive valley floor below. The property, which runs beef cattle, has direct river frontage and is bounded in part by the Mount Buffalo National Park. Its attractive garden setting is a haven for abundant birdlife and a tranquil repose for the visitor.  

"Nog Nog Wa" run was first occupied in 1849. Its estimated area was then 16,000 acres extending from west of Buffalo River eastward up and across the Buffalo Plateau. In 1860 James Dundas acquired the depasturing licence and in the following year he applied for a pre-emptive right for the "Nug Nug Wah" station. The Homestead was built by Dundas at the northern end of the property on an elevated site overlooking the river flats. Only part of the original building remains due to extensive renovations over time by later owners.

We are only 16kms from the Great Alpine Road

Stopover and relax in comfort in our self-contained units while you explore the North East

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